Possibility Coaching
What is a Possibility Coaching session?
A space to discover life changing Possibilities!
My job is to be a Neutral space for you to meet and navigate your upper, middle and underworld, opening doorways so you have access to new options to choose from.
The context of Possibility Coaching is possibility, radical responsibility, and authentic adulthood.
The journey might start by taking back your own authority... for everything. Along the way as your various parts come together in new ways you probably never imagined, you happily discover that your mind (as well as your other four bodies) are yours to play with and make into whatever you want. A new future unrolls as a side-effect of you building inner capacities that welcome more awareness.
New behaviors start almost by surprise when upgraded thinking models give you new perceptions and viewpoints.
Clarity creates possibility.
Possibility opens new options to choose from.
You are the chooser.
"Something completely different from this is possible right now."
1:1 Rage Coaching
What is your relationship to your Anger?
Most likely you were taught it is one of the "wrong" or "negative" feelings, together with fear and sadness, you learned to repress it, pretend it is not there or get rid of it somehow, as if it was a design error of your humanness.
The energy of Anger, like a seed sprouting or a volcano erupting, is a neutral source of information for your life.
My job is to be a space where you can get in touch with it, feel it, and become Conscious of it, transforming it into a resource to Create the Now, the life and the Culture that you want to live in.
1:1 Fear Coaching
Are you afraid of your fear?
You probably also learned that fear is not okay, that fear is the opposite of Love, by being a NO to it, you developped strategies to to avoid it, to numb the fear that comes with being Alive.
The strategies that keep you from feeling fear are killing your aliveness - by avoiding Fear you and I are killing Life on Earth.
This is a space for you to re-wire your relationship with Fear.
By being a Yes to fear, feeling it and becoming Conscious of it you get to stand in your Authority, become Unmanipulable, Be With Nothing to Create Everything and navigate Authentic intimacy.
Fear can be your perpetual enemy or your Compass of Aliveness, I am on your Team to make the shift.Emotional Healing Process
You have feelings and you have emotions.
It is a useful distinction because they serve different purposes.
A feeling, weather it is Anger, Sadness, Fear or Joy, is a neutral source of information for you life, it is rooted in the Present and lasts for about 3 minutes.
An emotion is an old feeling that happened in a moment where your Being did not have the hability to make space for it and receive its information. Its roots are in the past; maybe 2 weeks ago, maybe when you were 5.
Have you ever been angry, sad, afraid or scared for more than 3 minutes?
If your answer is Yes, write down what are those emotions.
I offer a space for you to go to the root of them, receive their precious information and Heal them, so that there is more space in you to feel your feelings and be Present, Here and Now.
Are we a match to Discover your Inner world, Healing the past and accessing your Conscious Feelings to be a more Alive and Present source of Creation?
Lets find out!
I invite you to a 30 minute free of cost session to discover if we want to work together.
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