Welcome to my personal website!
The purpose of this space is to connect with you and together Create a culture that re-generates Aliveness.
My job is to walk along organisms - individuals or communities - and open doorways to expand your Consciousness in the emotional and energetic realms, so that you have access to more Possibilities to choose from.
I am passionate to discover how are you and I killing life on Earth, and starting with ourselves, Empower the seed that your are to grow into a unique tree, unfolding your gifts and awakening to your essential Purpose.
What is something you want to do and you have not yet allowed yourself?
Making bread from scratch? Admitting to your neighbor that you Love her? Writing a book? Facilitating guitar classes without a method? Going to Indonesia with nothing but your passport? Holding space for Rage Club? Inviting specific people to create a nomadic Troupe planting seeds of a Regenerative Culture wherever you go?
Whatever it is for you, how come you are not doing it? What stops you? How come your Life is not exactly about what YOU want it to be?
You were probably taught to rely on external authorities to tell you what you can and cannot do: the teacher, your father, the news, the police, the doctor, the migration, the university, the government.
If you don’t follow what they say… unconscious fear!
Welcome to a 6 week Initiatory space with a Team of fellow edge workers, to start or start over meeting the blocks that keep you small, constricted, functioning in a mechanical barely alive existence, Discover doorways to Heal and Transform them, gaining access to your Low Intensity Conscious Fear: the key to truly become the Author of your Life.
And what about the Anger? you will need it to Create the culture you want to live in this Life of yours.
The Fear informs you, with the Anger you GO!
Women's Possibility Team
This is a space for women from all over the world to Connect and Empower one another’s seed to become the unique tree that you are here on earth to grow into.
I invite you to join a Team of experimentresses discovering, how to be a bridge between cultures? and together create a new one we actually want to live in.
When: Thursdays 9h30am CEST | 7h30pm Melbourne
To join: https://t.me/+K851IzDnyL1iYmI0Awaken your Wild Heart
- Tenerife, Spain -
Do you want to get out of “the system”?
If you are reading this, it is likely that at some stage in your Path, you got disillusioned from the linear life plan of what it is to be a “good citizen”: work 9 - 5, get married, save money, have children, retire, then maybe start living.
Something in your Beingness kept telling you - something completely different is possible right now - and you courageously went ahead to find it. Maybe on the way you fought the existing system or you escaped to a far away island hoping that there, everything will be different.
In order to survive, you may have had to close your Heart, life was too painful to feel your Anger, Sadness, Fear and Joy and you unconsciously decided to numb them.
By now you may have also discovered that: we are One - there is no escaping the system. So, let’s create another one! We survived! It is time to re-awaken our Wild Hearts, they hold precious information of the unique piece you and I bring to Co-create a culture where we actually want to live in.
We’ve also discovered that it is impossible to Create a New Culture alone, we, edge-workers need to Consciously Connect, to be on each other’s Team.
Are you in?
When: 11am - 13pm 2 de febrero
Where: SOMOS, LA Orotava
Spaceholders: Ana María Diaz & Lisa-Maria Goertz
Registration: +91 90431 23316 (Telegram / Whatsapp)
SOMOS Mujeres
Possibility Team
- Tenerife, Spain -
This is the Women of Earth Possibility Team - a call to women in Tenerife who are hungry to discover together how to create and inhabit a new context. It is a space of exploration, experimentation and support.
Our new beginning has its origins in consciousness, radical responsibility and interdependence. In standing up for ourselves in relationship to other women, men and nature.How can we women, for the sake of our children's children, for the sake of life on Earth, for our own sake right now... how can we reclaim our own Dignity? What is the path to such an inner (r)evolution?
Our job is to build the Bridge from modern culture to the next culture.
The bridge is built as we walk it.
The change is happening now with every dignified woman crossing the bridge to a culture of creative collaboration between the feminine and the masculine.
This is the Path of the Women of Earth. Will you join us?Newsletter
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