• Online Spaces

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    What is your relationship with anger?

    You were probably taught that it is one of the “negative” emotions and learned to repress it, numb it or get rid of it one way or another.

    By doing so you are cutting off the Clarity of your Yes and No, of what you want and don’t want. You learned to swallow that information and smile, hiding behind a mask, pretending that everything is okay, adapting to whoever you are with.

    What would you change in the world if you had endless amounts of energy? What is it that you truly want? What are you here for that lights your Heart on fire?




    The energy of anger, just as a volcano or a seed sprouting, is a neutral source of information for your life, for your Aliveness. Without your matured Anger, you cannot Authentically Relate because you have no real Voice, Boundaries or Presence, you are not really there.This Training is for you to Transform your Rage from an unconscious source of hatred, judgement, competition, and war to a Conscious source of Collaboration, Love, Authenticity and Clarity.

    What I want and take a stand for, is to co-create a culture of emotionally Initiated Adults, that navigate and re-source not only from our minds, but in Integrity with the precious information of our wild Hearts.

    Gladly I am not able to relate or create a culture alone, a Team is coming together for this journey.

    Will you join?

    For more information and registration:



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    Dear Women,


    Born and raised in patriarchy, you and I were unconsciously taught to compare ourselves, compete, judge and attack other women in smaller or larger ways.


    I invite you to join this Women’s Team and create a culture of Collaboration and Authenticity among sisters, one where we support each other to grow, evolve and discover Possibilities where alone it seemed impossible.


    When: 4 Tuesdays: 16th July to 06th August

    1h30 - 3h30pm CEST | 5 - 7pm India


    Where: Online

    To join: https://t.me/+K851IzDnyL1iYmI0

    Spaceholders: Maria Diaz & Alice Belz


    Live Spaces

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    Rage Club - Introduction


    Do you own your Anger, or does your anger own you?


    You might have learned that anger is one of the negative emotions, that it is a mistake to feel this way, that there is something wrong with whoever is feeling angry.


    Just as with anything else that you make wrong, you probably learned to repress it, pretend it is not there, or get rid of it somehow.


    Gladly, something completely different is possible right now.


    The energy of Anger, is a neutral source of information for your Aliveness. It can be your ally, for you to Create whatever you want with it.


    Welcome to Rage Club: An Initiation for you to meet your Anger and discover how to transform it form an unconscious source of hatred, confusion, indecision, judgement, inner and outer war, to a Conscious source of Love, Clarity and Possibilities for your life.


    For more information and to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdTShTAH4O9f_N59YW0JHcNokOJnfSFsYJ90WxpE4MV1TKbkg/viewform?usp=pp_url


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    Who are you?


    Growing up in modern culture, you may have grown up into you the notion that you are your mind, if this is so, it is likely that your experience of reality is limited to thoughts, stories, ideas, concepts.


    Maybe in your Path, you have already experienced that you are much more than that, that you are Love, that you One with the rest of Gaia. That is a big Evolutionary step, you may even be tempted to recreate whatever drove you to that experience again and again.


    It is time for us, humans, to bring that wisdom down to a tangible Here and Now, to shift from numbing our senses to listening to the information our 5 bodies hold, creating a tangible life and a culture that supports yours and every Being’s Aliveness.


    How are we going to do that? That, and other quest-ions you come with are the ground for this Discovery Practice space.


    When: Wednesdays 31st July & 7th of August | 6h - 7h30 PM

    Where: Zen Garden

    Spaceholder: Maria Diaz

    Investment: This space is sourced from Love of Life, contributions to the venue are welcomed. No registration needed.

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    Labo de Clarte

    Te dis-tu que "c’est comme ça", que tu n'as pas le choix, que les choses ne changeront jamais?


    Moi aussi, j'ai cru cru en ces histoires, avec d'autres. Mais nous avons aussi découvert que ces croyances sont le résultat de vivre dans une culture qui a peur de ressentir, qui nous a appris à engourdir et à réprimer notre corps émotionnel. Une culture qui navigue donc seulement avec la tête.


    Nous avons découvert que quelque chose de complètement différent est possible à l'instant.


    Ton Cœur sauvage contient des informations précieuses pour créer une vie et une culture où tu es responsable de la façon dont les choses se passent, et c'est à toi de changer ta réalité.


    Bienvenue au Labo de Clarté ! Ce Labo est un espace pour que ton Être puisse s'éveiller au pouvoir des Sentiments Conscients en sécurité. Une initiation pour transformer ta colère d'une source inconsciente de confusion, d'indécision, de comparaison, de jugement à une source Consciente de Connection, de Clarté et de Possibilités pour ta vie et tes relations.


    Vas-tu nous rejoindre ? Le choix t'appartient!


    Plus d'info: https://teamup.com/event/show/id/1Z1zWbV4cDjyrhAqaNzi6nSTEjQo4d



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